Florida afternoon thunder storms have been rolling through pretty regularly this year. It has helped me discover a few leaks and provided a nice spray down for the boat.
It has also reminded me that you always need to be prepared when at anchor. The winds that have come through with these afternoon storms hit over 35kn and hit quickly. Best be prepared with a well-set anchor or ready to pick up and move quickly if things go bad. This has been something I prepared for early in my refit, my 85lb Mantus Anchor is good, in theory, for up to hurricane force winds for my boat size and weight…I just hope I never really have to test how hot holds in a hurricane.
Easily, one port leaked, needs to be re-bedded. Two chain plates, already known, leaked. I had already suspected the leaks so was prepared for them.
Over-all this has been a very dry boat.
Ahh the rain has been nice, cools me off in the afternoon and give me daily showers. It also cleans off all those creepy crawly ants that have been climbing up my power lines. Don’t like them, a few of them have found their way inside me.
I got dripped on.